Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Horny Hump Day: Virgin Post

 I can't remember how I stumbled over Horny Hump Day.
However, having found it I can only suggest
I felt compelled to take part.

Horny Hump Day
(Stop giggling back there,
we're all adults!)
is a weekly blog hop
for erotica writers.

The premise is simple:-

You post three sentences 
of smutt erotica,
and then visit everyone else on the blog hop.

It's a cute idea and as this is my first time,
I ask you to be gentle with me.

Firstly, from

 A tiny area seemed most insistent that it needed to be touched 
and Kitty’s hips rose every time the bulbous tip passed over the spot.  

Mabel Bunt (WIP)

She'd persuaded drunker men than this to stand to attention. 
“Don't you worry, lad; we're gonna make yer of use!”


  1. Oh, I really want more of both!! Great snippets!

    1. Thank you so much! It was much harder to choose something than I had expected. That's not a pun. Honest.

  2. You can't write about "bulbous tips" and "standing to attention" without me giggling ;-D

  3. Welcome to Horny Hump Day! I think you're a great addition to the clan. It was clever of you to use segments from two WIPs. I would have never thought of that. Good work and keep comin' back.

    1. Thank you, Patricia! I've had a great time with HHD and found some amazing resources. I didn't know if sentences from different works was within the rules, but I wanted to show the diversity of what's available here. Thank you for running such a fun blog linky and making all this possible.

  4. Where can we find more of HHD?

    1. Hi there, Judy. Thank you for asking. I just missed the deadline this week, so it'll have to wait for next Wednesday. I'm working on something suitable right now!
